Monday, December 15, 2008

Putting Up the Christmas Tree

Our Christmas tree finally went up a week later than usual. Adrian had to go to Sydney and was too busy preparing for that to put it up before he left. He wanted to be a part of it so we waited for him to get back from Sydney to do it. That suited me fine, cause I just couldn't be bothered putting it up this year. Left most of it up to Adrian and the kids while I took the photos.

They were having too much fun pulling out all the decorations and Bailey was playing around with them, as you can see.....

Better not pout Bailey, Santa won't come to you.


Laura said...

Loving everyone getting in on the Christmas tree action!! I did mine while the kids were asleep, their little sticky hands would only get in the way at this age lol

judee d said...

Its a great family occassion, but usually the kids get cored very quickly. I had Taylor and Cassie help me put our tree up a few weeks ago but endedup completing it myself. Keep smiling and healthy.