Thursday, October 18, 2007

Spider Bite - Ouch!!!!

Things have been absolutely crazy here. Micayla has been bitten by a spider on her inside leg. Don't know what type, praying it wasn't a white tail but won't know until we see the sore get better or not. She can't even pinpoint when she was bitten but it was probably Friday. I was in hospital with her on Monday night, waiting for 3 hours because the bite got infected. The doctor said she has developed celluitis (Spelling???). She went onto a high dose antibiotic and we had to see the doc on Wednesday. He didn't like the look of it and sent us with a letter back to the hospital again. So last night I was there from 6.30pm till 11.30pm. It had developed an absess and she had to have laughing gas to have the absess cut so the puss could escape. They also took out a hard fatty mass from the infection. She was screaming and I looked at them doing it and nearly passed out. I had to put my head down on the bed to stop from passing out. After the laughing gas had worn off she didn't really remember anything. She asked if she was crying because (quoting Micayla) "she was out of this world" and "my brain was all fuzzy." How funny. So cute what kids say. She's home from school and I have to carry her anywhere she wants to go cause it hurts her to walk. She has to go back to the hospital for redressing on Friday and more laughing gas for that.


judee d said...

There is nothing worse than seeing you own children in pain. I know how you felt when you nearly passed out.
Love and kisses to Michaela.
Keep smiling and healthy.

Pippa said...

We haven't seen much of you around the traps at S4L. Just wanted to make sure that everyone is OK and that Micayla is on the mend.xxxooo