Thursday, July 20, 2006

Micayla loves to be a Fairy

Last Sunday Micayla went to Kealy's 5th Birthday Party. It was a fairy party, which was held in a fairy shop. We all know Micayla jumps at the chance to dress up, so she wore the purple dress she got from Angelic and won't get out of, with her wings and halo. She was sitting on the step waiting to go to the party when I walked up behind her. She looked so beautiful sitting there with her dress all fluffed out so I just had to get the camera out.


Michelle Jamieson said...

What a georgeous costume. I have a Spiderman fan, and know how hard it is to get him out of that!

Sounds like she had a good time, and I can see a L/O coming on with those pics!

Chelle xx

Andrea said...

He He, however did you guess Michelle.