Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Australia Day Weekend in Loch Sport

On Thursday 24th January Marty and Julie and their kids met us at our place to travel up to Loch Sport together to meet Scott, Tania and the boys at their family holiday house.

Marty had previously borrowed our bike trailer, so he came to our place with it and we loaded up all the bikes on the trailer. The trailer has been used quite a lot and needed some maintenance done to it, so while he was at it Adrian has modified the trailer so we could fit Adrian and Marty's bikes on as well as the kids two mini bikes. Worked great! Thanks to Uncle Tamme for helping with this modification.

On Friday we took the kids fishing and then to the beach. Tania took Micayla out into the waves with the boogie board and helped her to ride the waves. Thanks Tania. I hate the surf, she would never have had that kind of fun via me. The kids were having fun in the sand and here is a photo of them after Adrian buried them in it. The boys wanted to go back and watch the cricket and we were going to stay at the beach with the kids, but I was keen to go back too. I HATE the beach (I'm a river person), I was getting a bit burnt anyway. Didn't realise how much until we got back to the house.

We went out to dinner at the pub at the Marina on the Friday night. The meal was delicious. We moved outside to where the 'band' was playing but it was way too cold and we soon headed home where we relaxed with some beverages and some movies.

Saturday we took the kids motorbike riding. The weather was a lot cooler so I'm glad we did the beach thing the day before. The boys rode their bikes out to the track while I towed the kids bikes on the bike trailer. 3 little mini bikes looked rather cute on the bike trailer. We were having lots of fun. I even had a ride on Adrian's bike. First I rode pillion with Adrian and then he let me take him for a ride. Marty and Adrian have the same bikes they bought less than a year ago. I decided I'd take Bailey for a ride on the JR50. The track was sandy and I was turning the bike around when Bailey revved the bike full throttle and the back wheel spun in a sandy patch and laid the bike down sideways. A stick tore threw my favourite jeans and this is the damage it did to my leg.

Bailey was fine. A few tears but hopped back on to ride again. Now he keeps talking about Mummy and Bailey falling off the "momerbike" as he calls it, and the bike "laid" down. It didn't really hurt that much. It looks worse than it is. I suppose I should be greatful I only fell off the JR50 and not Adrian's big bike. I was more upset about ripping my favourite jeans.

For the rest of Saturday we just relaxed. The boys watched the cricket while Tania, Julie and I went out for a long walk. Later Scott discovered a leak and Scott and Adrian ended up digging up the ground looking for a blockage in the sewage tank, eeewwww, they can have that job on their own. Ended up calling someone to come and empty it out. Turned out to be full of Tea Tree roots. Sunday we packed up slowly and headed home after lunch.

Thank you to Scott and Tania for inviting us so we could share in another wonderful and relaxing weekend.

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