Monday, November 27, 2006

Found a Baby Bird

The kids were ranting and raving that there's a bird on the path. I didn't really care, I didn't want to look at another dead bird. But they insisted and when I looked at it, it was still alive. So I brought it inside and called the wildlife help centre for advice. It was just one of those pesky little sparrow thingys but I just couldn't leave it there to die, I didn't have the heart. I was told to try and get it back in the nest or make a fake nest with sticks and leaves out of something with holes like a seive, so that's what I did. I placed it just under the original nest. The original nest was tucked so far into a hole I'd never get my hand in let alone the bird. The idea is that the parents will come to the fake nest to care for the bird.
The kids were very excited about having a baby bird and Micayla was upset when I put it back outside, she wanted to keep it inside and look after it. She was crying, saying that she loved the bird and wanted to name it and if I put it outside she would never see it again. She came to terms with this but kept 'checking' on the bird. Unfortunately the little bird didn't survive. Poor little thing. Micayla was very accepting of this though. I thought it was a great lesson for her and something that both of them had never seen before. Bailey had also found a tiny birds egg at the bottom of the tree near their swing set and he brought this into me. It was still hot, but it broke in my hand. They are so delicate those eggs, I can't believe it just shattered in my hand with next to no pressure.

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