Thursday, February 14, 2008

My Boy's a Crack Up!!!

I was on the cross trainer today when Bailey came running out, one sock on one sock off, and went and stuck his foot in the freezer. What the.... you may be thinking, cause I was. He had been quietly painting his toe nails in the bathroom and he came out to set the polish hard by putting his foot in the freezer. After all, that's what Mum does!!! (my fingernails anyway).

I was thinking, OK now I'm going to spend the next hour and a bottle of nail polish remover cleaning nail polish off the bathroom floor. But when I went in there, there was not a drop spilt anywhere. I had to look hard to see where he'd actually painted his nails, because it wasn't on his nails, it was all over his foot. He's used a very pale whitish colour that you can barely see.


judee d said...

Of course what else would a boy do about drying his nail polish.
Kids will be kids hey.
Keep smiling and healthy

Unknown said...

How hysterical Andrea... so funny.. yes kids will be kids.. but oh so cute.. just like mum does.. :)