Saturday, February 04, 2006

Bailey's a Big Boy Now

We have said goodbye to the baby era. We have given our cot and change table to David and Laura (Adrian's cousin) who are expecting a baby in Feb/March. We painted Bailey's room in bright yellow suede effects, blue and red. I had to change the curtains, which I made myself. I've never done this before and just followed the ones already there. I must say I am pretty proud of my effort. The blue paint was made to match the drapes.

He now has a new bed which he loves, but the first night he was looking for his cot. Micayla and Bailey always have a bedtime story sitting in her bed and this night Micayla wanted it in Bailey's Bed. Bailey was not used to this and when it was time to say goodnight he hopped out of his own bed. I told him this was his bed now and he said "Nuh, and shook his head". It didn't take long to convince him though, we just had to go over the usual ritual for him to accept his new bed.

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