Sunday, February 05, 2006

Our Dog Monty.

We have a little Maltese x Shitzu called Monty. We had him for 3 days and I stood on his stomach, because he was lying at my feet and I didn't know. It was awful, we thought he was going to die. I slept on the couch that night so I could be with the dog the whole night through. I took him to the vet and we were worried we had ruptured his bladder and diaphram. He was given lots of pain killers and he came good after 2-3 days. He has grown up to be a fantastic little companion for Bailey and lets Bailey do anything to him. During the puppy stage he was a real pain and I said "I know why they're called Shitzu's, because they bloody shit you!". But he is 2 next month and he is really settling down. I take him for a walk nearly every night and he starts following me around the house when it is time to go, he'll even follow me to the toilet and sit at my feet. He loves to go to the river too and at Christmas we had him out on the water paddling around on top of Bailey's Boogie Board. We have to be very careful of grass seeds in his coat, we have already had him at the vet having surgery to remove one from his paw.

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