Sunday, May 28, 2006

Another Trip to Hospital

If it's not one it's the other. Two nights ago Micayla woke up suddenly with severe stomach pains. She was rolling around the ground doubled over crying with pain. She kept saying "I don't know what to do". She started throwing up, I was worried about appendicitis so I ended up rushing her to emergency. She'd been complaining about mild pains over the past couple of weeks also and had a day off school with vomiting. So I was becoming very worried. Once there they triaged her straight through. She was still vomiting and crying and doubled over when we got there. The preped her hand with cream to make her hand numb incase they need to take blood. But after a couple of vomits she came really good and the doctor could find nothing wrong and sent her home and there has been no problem since. She did eat an awful lot for tea, which the doctor said could be the problem but I just think she was grasping for a reason. She made me feel like an idiot for bringing her in, but she didn't see her when we got there. I hate it when they do that. I just told her I wasn't going to take the chance, you didn't see her when she first came in.On our way out the mother of the girl in the next bed stopped me. As it turns out her little girl was brought in with exactly the same symptons and after a couple of vomits was fine again. But this little girl also goes to the same school as Micayla. Makes you wonder doesn't it?

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