Sunday, May 21, 2006

Don't I feel like a bad Mum

Last week Micayla had been complaining about stomach pains when she had to go to bed or sometimes before school. I put it down to attention seeking because once she was at school or had something fun to do the pain was no longer there. I took her to the doctors and he couldn't find anything wrong and miracously the pains went away. This morning she complained of a sore stomach again and I told her the story about 'the boy who cried wolf'. I thought once she's at school she'll be fine. Once she got there she still wasn't fine, so I hung around for a little while to see if once she was with her friends she'd forget about it. After about 10mins she rolled around and put her head in my lap. So I decided to take her home and as we were walking out she threw up in the bin near the door and then again outside her portable. She was so upset. How bad do I feel?

Then, I did it again last night. Micayla complained of a sore throat, I rolled my eyes, thinking here we go again, and I told her to have a drink. Next thing she's running to the toilet, didn't quite make it and threw up all over the toilet door and floor. Great, them I'm cleaning up trying not to add to it. Now I have Bailey with a temp and a cough that just won't stop. Great!!! All Bailey wants is cuddles, which is nice but I can't do anything else. Bless his cotton sox.

Greetings to everyone in Holland!!!!!

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